PowerDVD Modes

CyberLink PowerDVD has two different modes available for playing back your media content, Classic mode and Cinema mode*.

  • Classic mode: Classic mode is the main mode of CyberLink PowerDVD and contains all of the features listed in this document.
  • Cinema mode: Cinema mode is for users who wish to view movies at a distance (10 foot) with a remote control. To switch to Cinema mode, select the PowerDVD tocinema PowerDVD Modes button on the title bar. Cinema mode is a simplified version of CyberLink PowerDVD and has less features than Classic mode.
PowerDVD note PowerDVD Modes

Note: * this feature is not available in some versions of CyberLink PowerDVD.

CyberLink PowerDVD 10′s Cinema Mode also comes fully integrated in Windows Media Center* when both are installed on your computer. The CyberLink PowerDVD shortcut is found in the TV + Movies section of Windows Media Center.

PowerDVD note PowerDVD Modes

Note: see the help file within the Cinema mode of CyberLink PowerDVD for a detailed description of its features.

PowerDVD Modes