Movie Collection

The Movie Collection* displays a list of your favorite movies, movies you own, and your movie viewing history with CyberLink PowerDVD. The Movie Collection also contains a complete list of all of the MovieMarks and Movie Remixes you created or downloaded from MoovieLive.

PowerDVD note Movie Collection

Note: * this feature is not available in some versions of CyberLink PowerDVD.

To view your Movie Collection, select the media playback menu on the playback controls (DVD or Blu-ray) and then select Movie Collection.

To view your Movie Collection in FancyView, click on the FancyView button. Use a remote control, notebook touch pad, your keyboard, or click and drag a thumbnail with your mouse to scroll through your movies.

Use the search function in the top right corner to find a specific movie, MovieMark, Movie Remix or viewing record within your collection.

Movie Collection